Friday, January 16, 2009

Jo Morton Club Off to a Good Start!

I've been asked to post pictures of our Jo Morton show & tells so that each group can see what the other is sharing, so here you are:

Kathy's Mini Baby Rose (she sized the center block down to 6"!)

This is Kathy's Jamestown (the online pattern for it), again sized down.

And some Holiday Inn Centers. This is Mitzen's, she has fused it and will machine applique it.

Yuki's is finished in hand applique.

Karen W. has sized her's up and is trying some hand applique.

Dawn B. has her's underway in hand applique and is using Karen K. Buckley's "Perfect Circle" method.

Anne has fused her's and is trying machine applique.

...And for some of our "non-Jo" projects that we like to share!

RoseMary's Dear Jane done in different blue and white prints. She is doing it the Quilt as you Go method.

Phyllis shared her Lucky Stars quilt from Atkinson Designs, done in batiks and her great longarm quilting.

Karen G. made this little topper from Thimbleberries prints for a friend at work.

More to come next month as more people get their Holiday Inn center block done. I'll keep you posted!
Enjoy the day!

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