Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Sloanies" Club Show & Tell

The Sloanies group that meets once a month at And Sew It Goes didn't meet yesterday because we had some icy weather here ~ but because of the snow day, I was able to finish some projects including this little Cafe Banner from a Pat Sloan Pattern that I made for my daughter, Heather. It's quick and easy, we have some kits made up for it at our quilt shop.

And for your viewing pleasure, here are some show & tell pictures I took at the last Sloanies Club meeting. We had done the Times Remembered Quilt one block at a time along with Pat Sloan's Yahoo Group. Times Remebered can be found in Pat's Folksy Favorites book and as a stand alone Pattern. This is Ruth Green's all quilted, labelled and everything! She added rick rack, wool and buttons here and there to make it really sweet.

Ruth also did the Calendar Stitchery quilt which was a free pattern Pat released once a month on her website. (There are other free patterns up on Pat Sloan's Free Pattern page now, like Farmer's Market and 5 o'clock Somewhere, check them out!) Ruth did hers with applique and stitchery. I have some of the blocks done ~ this really makes me want to go back and finish mine!

And we finished our I Believe Quilts! I Believe is also in Folksy Favorites and a a stand alone pattern. This is Peggy's quilt top. Everyone used some different fabrics, so they all came out a little different which was really fun!

And finally Ruth Kirkpatrick's I Believe. She added extra borders, so it was too big to photograph well in our space. She made some of her own changes like adding a wreath instead of the words I Believe, and adding several embellishments that are so fun to look at up close!

Ruth Green has her I Believe all finished and quilted up now too. I hope to get a picture of that one to share in the future ~ and maybe I'll get to quilting my I Believe and Times Remembered sometime soon too!
Next we are going to work on Pat's A Walk in the Moonlight that's found in her Learn to Applique book, the ongoing Calendar Quilt Challenge, and those of us that did the Farmer's Market quilt plan to finish that one up too! We'll keep you posted on our progress, email pictures of your Sloanie quilts, so I can share with our group!
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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