Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jo Morton Club Day Group Show & Tell

For your viewing pleasure, here are some quilts done by our Jo Little Women Miniatures group that meets the second Wednesday each month at our shop. The first one is my little Folk Art Bird that is in Jo Morton's Yesterday's Charm book (sorry the picture is kind of dark ~ we have kits for this left at the shop). I'll unveil my Holiday Inn with part three done after the Jo Club night group meets next Thursday evening. Now for some of the club members quilts!

This is Rose Mary's Holiday Inn finished through Part 2, the little shirting prints that she used are really nice!

...and Mitzen's Holiday Inn Center. I like how they are both using different setting fabrics for a completely new look:

Kathy Fowler has been busy getting past projects completely quilted and finished. The next three are hers (and hand quilted):

This one is Kathy's version of the Pick Up Sticks from club 7:

And one of Kathy's Mini Nines from Club 6:

Alice has finished her Holiday Inn Center with hand applique. Then she brought in some finished miniature quilts for us to just drool over!

This is Jo's Praire Flowers quilt, but Alice has sized it down:

These next three are lovely miniature quilts that Alice shared with us. They finish about 12 inches for the entire quilt! They just took my breath away, very precise pieceing and all beautifully hand quilted:

This one was accepted to the Houston Quilt Festival and a picture of it was published in Quiltmania magazine ~ How exciting is that! :

...And this little blue basket one has "loose" handles that stick up from each basket.

The Jo Morton Clubs are a treat each month, just to see the beautiful work that the ladies are doing!
~ Dawn

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