Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jo Morton Evening Club February Show & Tell

Here are some show and tells from tonight's Jo Morton Club. We were missing several people, but still had some wonderful progress to show. Everyone is working hard on their Holiday Inn Projects. The first picture is mine that has the Part 3 borders finished. (I'm trying to stay ahead of everyone, but it's not easy! Everyone is really cooking on it now and I think all have their centers done.

This picture is Karen Watkins' center applique finished. She used some beautiful reds and with the single green, it has that traditional Baltimore Applique feel that I love so much!

This one is Dawn Burchett's Holiday Inn finished through Part 2. She used a green frame, and blue in the pieced border which pulled wonderfully on her center.

Karen Gladfelter used a darker green frame and a darker blue (Jo's dark blue stars) in her sawtooth border. Just stunning!

Phyllis used a blue frame and green in the sawtooth border, I loved this combination! It's fastinating to see that even though they were all set with the same bird toile corners, they all have a really different look!

At next month's meetings Part three is due to be finished and I'll give out the patterns for the final borders (Part 4)! We're getting there...keep plugging away at it!!

~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn! Thanks for adding the http stuff to your blog address to make it easy on stopping by! I'm a Pat Sloanie too and a JoMortonIte! Just love the Holiday Inn's you've posted! Beautiful work! - Amy, in South Lyon, MI
