Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Time for the Jo Morton Club

Last night we finished up our Jo Morton Little Womens Club Session 8 with a little show and tell of our Patriotic Minis. Little show and tell is the operative term ~ with several of our members traveling and other summer things going on, we only had three ladies make the meeting. But we had some good visiting anyway ~ and of course shopping :) Above is Val Sanford's Patriotic Mini quilt top. She found a cute fabric that she added in with the Jo Mortons' that worked really well with this project.

This is Phyllis Miller's all quilted up. She intends to add some more quilting in the borders to have it more to her liking. My little Patriotic Mini is hanging on the design wall behind her. It's just like Phyllis' ~ only not quilted yet ('not quilt yet' seems to be a trend with me).

Karen Gladfelter didn't get in last month, so she just got her pattern for the Patriotic Mini last night, but she had this great summer bag that she made, and I just had to take a picture of it. The pattern is called The X Bag, and I just love the fabrics that she used, so fresh for the summer!

We're taking a little summer break and will resume Jo Morton Meetings in September. Keep an eye on the shop website for information on upcoming activities.

Now that I'm in a Patriotic mood, I've put the Patriotic/Americana items in my ebay store on sale through July 10th! Check them out soon, they are selling fast!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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