Monday, November 2, 2009

Reproduction Eye Candy

I spent the afternoon yesterday meeting two great ladies who came with Dawn Burchett to our first Sunday of the month, Civil War Sunday sewing time. Joan brought her pieced quilt top to purchase some fabrics to go with it. She is mainly an appliquer and said that an all pieced quilt is unusual for her. I loved the green/brown combination in this.

For you Dear Jane lovers, Rita brought this beautiful Dear Jane top sashed and bordered in red. The colors just pop in this quilt. These gals have a Dear Jane group that meets and apparently both have Dear Jane quilts. Joan says she is working on quilting hers now, so I hope to see more of them in the future!

Dawn B. continued to work on her Civil War applique quilt top and I worked on making a couple more Jo Morton blocks for my Warm Wishes quilt. If you are in the vacinity of our shop on the first Sunday of the month, stop in between 1:00 - 3:00 to do a little stitching and see some nice reproduction show and tell!
Everyone is welcome and it's free :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Lovely quilts. Wish I lived close enough to come by. I love reproduction fabrics :-)
