Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aunt Pitty Pat Leaves an Impression

It's been quite a week.  Tuesday I had the dreaded yearly Gyn appointment, and today I have a dental appointment for a teeth cleaning.  I don't know how I lined all these "fun" things up together, but I guess I'm getting them over with. 

But it hasn't been all bad, last night was the first meeting of the Baltimore Applique Society for this season.  Sue Troyan and her "very dear friend" Aunt Pitty Pat gave a lecture on the Power of Quilts (I apologize for not having any pictures of that, but I didn't have the chance to clear it before the lecture, so I didn't take anyIt was a delightful lecture though, and if you ever get the opportunity to socialize with Aunt Pitty Pat, definitely take it).  

She showed many quilts, both old and contemporary, and shared their stories and illustrated that just as the quilter influences the creation of a quilt, each quilt affects everyone it encounters.  It was powerful (and I ~ in my currently pitiful perimenopausal state ~ cried through most of the program...but I wasn't alone).  The stories attached to these quilts (that ranged from very elaborate to captivatingly simple) added emotional impact to the quilt itself and are literally touching generations.  It shows how important it is to label and document your quilts!!

So the pictures that I do have are the items that I purchased last night at the meeting.  The notebook is is a compilation of quilt history and tributes from the Quilters Hall of Fame at the Marie Webster House in Marion Indiana.  I hope to visit here sometime soon, in the meantime the book has many full page color photos of beautiful historic quilts and some wonderful stories of the quilters that are honored.  I'm looking forward to my easy-chair time tonight so I can delve more into it.  You can purchase one here from the Quilters Hall of Fame gift shop :)

And I'm excited to have a pattern pack of the BAS latest project, the Lady of Victory Quilt.  The original quilt is owned by Mary Koval who very generously allowed the BAS to trace the patterns.  It is 109" x 109" and is dated to 1846-1848 based on both the block patterns and the fabrics used in the quilt.  Stay tuned as the BAS members will be making two reproductions of this quilt, one of which will be raffled.  I'm very excited about this project ~ this type of block is my favorite Baltimore Applique style, and I hope that I get to make a block for one of the quilts!  I'll keep you posted on the progress of this project as it comes together :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. I received the Quilters Hall Of Fame book in July and read it all! Great read - and lot's of interesting information! I love that pattern - may have to just go and get that one! The Quilter's Hall Of Fame also has a quilt show every July - I've vended at the show for the past three years and always have a great time there. Wonderful group of ladies!
