Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Sneaky Peek

Here's a sneak peek of a happy little finish that I've had this week (...ahhh, great feeling!).  It's at the quilter's right now being turned into a real quilt :)  I can't show the whole thing yet, but hope to introduce you to it come January!

This morning I'm going through my bag of goodies that I brought home from my Quilt Guild meeting last night, it's like Christmas here!  We had our Annual Silent Auction with the proceeds going to charity.  Everyone brought in items to donate, and of course bid on things to bring home.  I bid on many things that I got out-bid on, but I did come home with a bag full of circular knitting needles to add to my collection, a really cool doily runner, A Quilter's Christmas Cookbook (so I can read recipes, and pretend that I actually cook...I've been terrible about that lately), and a bag full of little organizer totes (I'm a sucker for containers).  This was the first time I've attended the Silent Auction, and I had a ball, but somehow I came home with more little items than I donated...that was poor planning on my part ~ I will definitely have to fix that next year :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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