Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Heart Pin

Here's a quicky little project that can be made up as a last minute gifty for your favorite Valentine...or for yourself :)

I started by cutting out two pieces each of these three shapes from wool scraps.  Any heart and flower shapes would work, but I used my Accuquilt Go! to cut two each of the large heart and smallest heart from die #55029 Hearts, and two of the large flower from die #55045 Rose of Sharon.

I sewed a scant quarter inch all around the outside edge, then carefully cut a slit in only one layer.

I clipped the seam allowances along the curves and then turned the shapes right side out through the slit, and using a ball point bodkin (a knitting needle would work too) I pushed out all the points and slid it around the seam to smooth all the edges.  Then slip stitch the little slit closed on the back side. 

Finally, embellish with a cute little button or other decorative item, sewing through all the layers to hold the pieces together.  This would make a cute pin, or a nice embellishment for a hat or bag.  I'm going to attach mine to a project that I'm currently working on...hopefully I'll have it finished soon!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. VERY cute! I've got pin backs ... but don't have a cute wool heart.

  2. This is a wonderful idea. I just bought a zipper wool pin from an Etsy seller for my winter coat. I think this one would look great.
