Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our Shared Project

Remember this perpetual sampler-in-progress that Heather was making from back in this post?  It was an old UFO that I had started, and she decided to resurrect and finish it.   Well she finished it, got it framed and...


She even added my initials along with hers since we both worked on it :)

I love the frame that she chose, it suits it perfectly.  (Framing job was done at The Stitching Post in Catonsville MD by the way.)

For now it's hanging in my house since Heather doesn't have a good place to hang it in her current apartment.  We have an agreement that when she moves later this year, she'll get it for her new place ~ how's that for sharing :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. Beautiful work! Now...share nicely girls.

  2. Dawn, I had to smile when I read your post. Just last night I finished a sampler that I had started a few years ago. I decided I was going to finish it up and found it so relaxing. Cross stitch is my first love, especially samplers. Your sampler is sure to be an heirloom since both of you worked on it.
