Thursday, August 11, 2011

August Reader's Private Sale!

We've been making a lot of sweet upgrades over on The Spring Water Designs Website (Browsing is much easier, and we can accept credit cards directly without going through Paypal now!), so I thought that was an occasion for a sale! 
Since this time of year all the kids are getting new school tools, we should be able to treat ourselves to some fun new tools too ~ right?! 
So from now until September 10th I'm offering 20% off everything in the Notions Section on the Website!  Just fill in the Discount Code: TOOLSFORME at the checkout to receive 20% off the retail price.  

I have a new newsletter up on the website Here.  Make sure that you subscribe to the newsletter to always hear about special offers and sales, and other upcoming fun things!  (I won't bug you too much, I promise). 
...Now I'm off to boil and freeze more of these little guys, and enjoy some more of August :)

(and yes, those are some of my tomatoes and my waterlily finally bloomed!)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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