Monday, September 5, 2011

Sights from the State Fair

It's September, and that equals the Maryland State Fair :)  We visited the Fair one afternoon this week.  

 It was fun, taking in the sights and just chillin'

And what wonderful sights there were! This Baltimore Album Quilt by Barbara Burnham won for Exemplary Applique.

I spotted quilts hanging from several of my friends and acquaintances ~ This one is Dawn Burchett's from our Jo Little Women's Club :)

(I always get excited when I recognize the quilt maker at a show!)  I was even surprised to see my good buddy Mary Nielsen of Keep Me In Quilts.

 And a Blue Ribbon for Dawn Burchett's Gettysburg Quilt, what a great use of Dear Jane blocks!

Then I spent the rest of the holiday weekend coolin' it with family.  I hope you all had a Happy Labor Day weekend :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Those applique quilts are real beauties...thanks for sharing!!!
