Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Little Finish & A Day at the Museum

I finally got this little applique block finished.  It was made for Cathy Marciano in appreciation for her first year of service as the President of the Baltimore Applique Society.  It was due last June, but I got side tracked with family stuff this summer, so I'm just now getting it done ~ better late than never, right?  BTW, the pattern is one of the bird blocks from the Margaret Potts Quilt.

On Sunday I volunteered with some ladies from the Baltimore Applique Society at the Maryland Historical Society Museum in Baltimore.  The museum was having a Women in the Civil War weekend (as a part of their wonderful Civil War exhibit that's going on right now), and we set up an applique display and shared some hands on demos and tips.

And of course there were quilts!  We were allowed some photos as long as we didn't use flash.

 Some of the quilting was simply amazing...

 This orangey one was my personal favorite :)

...Plus the museum has areas that I could not photograph like a wonderful portrait collection, an extensive Civil War exhibit that includes clothing, and of course the original Star Spangled Banner manuscript that lives there.  Definitely worth a visit if you're in the Baltimore area!

And I scored this out of print book!  The museum store found a long lost box of 50 of them, so I spent a good part of my October fun-money allowance on the second day of October because it just had to be added to my collection :)

If your interested in Baltimore Applique and you're on Facebook, the Baltimore Applique Society now has a Facebook Page ~ you can click Here to "Like" them :)

Remember to come back tomorrow for Block Two of our Quick Mystery BOM Runner!!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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