Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bee Blocks Finished Early

So my Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild meeting was on Sunday, and for some reason I had it in my head that our Bee blocks were due at the February got it, they're not due until March! Then when at the last minute Hubby and I decided to head over to Delaware for an unexpected needed visit with my mother-in-law, I dutifully contacted a friend and dropped off my blocks (along with Round Robin, BOM block, and other stuff) ~ Thanks Maria :)  But of course, I confused everyone, because not only did I include in my bag Bee blocks that weren't due, my Heart block for the BOM (which was due) was rolled up inside the Bee blocks so they didn't see it.  (...I'll see that you get my heart block too Heather, Congrats on the drawing win!)

So anyway, the above block is the one I made in my colors.  I figured since I'm finished with them, I'll go ahead and show my Bee Blocks ~ But Warning: if you're in my Bee group and want to be surprised in March, don't read past this paragraph :)

Our Round Robin for the month had dealt with squares and rectangles, so I was still playing with that theme when I picked this block to make, I wanted to make them look woven together.  I made one first in Maria's colors of blue, yellow and white, but I didn't like how I had all of the blues and yellows all parallel.  So I made another one, changed out a yellow for another shade of blue and made sure the darker blues were perpendicular to each other, it's just a personal choice but I liked that one Maria gets two blocks this month to do with what she will :)

So here are all of the blocks for the gals in their different color choices.   Now I can't wait for the March meeting to get all my blocks, and put them together with the ones from the last round :) 

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you mentioned that your heart block was tucked in your bee blocks! When I received your bee blocks I tucked it away and did not peek, but now I am glad to know that it has been found! I have it and will bring it with me next month. It is super cute!! What a great design.
