So anyway, the above block is the one I made in my colors. I figured since I'm finished with them, I'll go ahead and show my Bee Blocks ~ But Warning: if you're in my Bee group and want to be surprised in March, don't read past this paragraph :)
Our Round Robin for the month had dealt with squares and rectangles, so I was still playing with that theme when I picked this block to make, I wanted to make them look woven together. I made one first in Maria's colors of blue, yellow and white, but I didn't like how I had all of the blues and yellows all parallel. So I made another one, changed out a yellow for another shade of blue and made sure the darker blues were perpendicular to each other, it's just a personal choice but I liked that one Maria gets two blocks this month to do with what she will :)
So here are all of the blocks for the gals in their different color choices. Now I can't wait for the March meeting to get all my blocks, and put them together with the ones from the last round :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
I am so glad that you mentioned that your heart block was tucked in your bee blocks! When I received your bee blocks I tucked it away and did not peek, but now I am glad to know that it has been found! I have it and will bring it with me next month. It is super cute!! What a great design.