Friday, February 10, 2012

A Bit of Heart Nostalgia

It's the month of the heart, so the Block of the Month challenge at the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild is to make a 10" block with a heart of any color on a white background.  So I got out some fabric scraps (including this funky 70's looking print), my Accuquilt Go! cutter, and my Heart Die (#55029) and I started to play.

          ...Here's what I came up with:
I started with four 5" squares of white background, 1" wide yellow and red strips, and two of the largest 4" hearts on the die and five of the smallest 2" hearts (I had applied fusible web to the back of the heart fabrics before I ran them through the cutter).  I sewed yellow or red strip borders to two sides of each background square, sewed them all together, fused and blanket stitched all, and she's done!

It's a simple little thing but it makes me smile ~ it kind of makes me nostalgic for my Brady Bunch days :) 

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. Love the colors! Of course I had to Pin it :-)

  2. This is so pretty! Love how you did it. And I do love a blanket stitch! See you tomorrow!
