Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WIP Wednesday

This is my current Work In Progress.  It's my UFO Challenge project for this month (I don't know why I always wait until the end of the month to work on it?).  These are my version of the BOM Blocks that Ann from Bunny Hill Designs gave out about a year ago. 
See all the pins?  Last night I basted it all together...

So today, I'm quilting away on this little quilt, while I await the arrival of my HQ Sweet 16 machine that's due to be delivered today. :)

Check out the WIPs of others by clicking on the button above and going to the Quiltsy Team blog!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. I really like that blue strip fabric! It's a great project.

  2. I love Bunny Hill patterns. I have these in my someday pile!

  3. A great quilt!

    Have fun with your new machine!!

  4. Those snowmen are really stinking cute!
