Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Give Away Winner!

Just because I always post a picture with every post, here's a picture of my Hydrangea starting to bloom...

But I'm mainly popping in to tell you the winner from my little Memorial Day Give Away is comment number 17:  Linda!  Email me Linda with your address, and I'll get your Red/White/Blue fabric bundle out to you :)

I also had several comments about visiting the quilts at the Smithsonian.  When I was there the other day, there weren't any quilts on display on the museum floor (sometimes there are a few), but they do have an extensive quilt collection that you can see through a virtual tour at This Link.

Also, if you're going to be visiting Washington DC, contact the Museum of American History ahead of time, Volunteers do a behind the scenes tour of some of the quilts in their collection on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.  I think they only take 10 people up at a time, so contact them ahead of time and see if you can schedule it for when you are visiting.  That is the tour I went on and it was a real treat :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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