Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Newsletter is Up!

Do you subscribe to our Spring Water Designs Newsletter?  Well there's a new one out with some of our latest news, and if you didn't get one you can read it Here on the Website.  

I'm excited to share that one of the newest happenings here, is that we are now officially Authorized Handi Quilter Reps!  I love my HQ Sweet 16 Sit Down Machine so much that I decided to sell them!

It's a really neat time because Handi Quilter has just introduced the option of the TruStitch Full Visibility Stitch Regulation system for the Sweet 16.  Now it will be easy to achieve consistently even stitch lengths regardless of your stitching speed even on the sit down quilting machine!  

Bob and I have been trained Handi Quilter technicians since 2008, and now we can sell machines and accessories as well as offer support and service!  Contact me if you are interested in information on any of the HQ quilting systems, or to order accessories and supplies for a system that you already own. 

If you'd like to receive occasional email newsletters with our happenings here at Spring Water Designs, Subscribe Here ~ I really don't send them out too often, but I plan on starting to utilize the emails to give my subscribers special offers :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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