The New Year has brought new schedules. I've been busy keeping up with work and quilty jobs, but mostly I've been trying to keep up with these two ~ my new little helpers. Over the Winter Break they moved back up here close. Their Mom started a new job, so I've been on Grandma duty, spending time with my little Cutie Patooties during the day until other daycare arrangements are made. So lately my days are full with going to the bus stop, sing-a-longs of songs that I thought I had forgotten, and pondering deep mysteries like: How many socks can two little girls own...and why can't they keep them on their feet?...and fitting in some sewing here and there during nap time and other stolen moments.
My new helpers and I don't have any sewing that we can show right now, but we do have some more Mountain Baby Blanket donations that we're adding to our box that's almost ready to ship out! Pat Wyatt, a Baltimore Applique Society friend, donated two of these cute little quilts along with children's books to the cause. We should have enough to ship out another box to the Appalachian Mountains soon :)
Enjoy the day!
Love your picture of them in the rain with the umbrella. Enjoy them while you can!