Friday, May 10, 2013

Sheep & Wool

Last Saturday I spent a Creative Excursion day with my two Fiber Friends enjoying wool in about every form that wool can come in... the annual Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival.  The weather was perfect for a day at the fair grounds...

...Amazing colors were everywhere.  This is from Mohair in Motion ~ I think Mary bought some of this for spinning :)

 ...Beautiful baskets from Friends in Reed from Howard County Maryland :)

 ...Barns full of wool!

We even took a little sit-down break and made these sweet wool pincushions to stick into a spool of thread at the Maryland Make It With Wool booth. (That's Mary's, mine, and Starlyn's)

 ...Of course there was carnival food ~ and yes, the sky was that blue all day :)

 ...and a little Bluegrass here and there :)

 ...and did I mention the sheep?  

 ...and Sheep Dog demonstrations!
 ...And at the end of the day, we were all a little pooped ~ but we had a blast :)

 ...Of course I came home with some goodies...

...And I've already put some of them to use :)

If you're anywhere near Central Maryland the first weekend of May next year, take a day and experience the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. It was a perfect day for it. I had other plans or would have been tempted. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
