Sunday, June 22, 2014

An Inspiring Weekend with an Amazing Quilter

This weekend we enjoyed being inspired by and learning from Quilt Teacher Extraordinaire,  Debby Brown!  Debby taught four classes over the course of two days and we were both entertained at her presentations and amazed at her quilting talents.

She showed some of her wonderful quilts, demoed quilting techniques, and students played and practiced their skills on the machines that we had set up in two different rooms of the shop.

Here are some of the creative quilted doodles that students were trying at the "Exploding Out of the Block" class where they learned to take motifs from a fabric in a block and carry it out into the sashing and borders.

I learned so much this weekend sharing time with Debby ~ Thanks Debby for what you do, and being so willing to share your talents with others :) 

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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