Monday, April 13, 2015

Pre-Cut Party Blog Hop (And Give Aways) Starts Today!

I'm having fun with this "Snack Pack" from Fabri-Quilt.  Come back here on Wednesday to see what I made with it :)
In the mean time, hop on over to the Inspired by Fabric Blog by Fabri-Quilt to catch the beginning of the Pre-Cut Party Blog Hop that starts today!  Get inspired, learn a few things, and maybe win some fabric!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. Hello Dawn. I have learned something new...A snack pack...I was just getting use to the little charms and the half 10" squares...The baby quilts are so cute...Thank you for making a tutorial that is very user friendly....

  2. Hi Dawn - I got the stripology ruler for Christmas and this seems like a great project to use it on! Wow thanks for the tutorial!
