Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Need to Suppliment your Stash for the Mystery?

Have you taken part in the annual Bonnie Hunter Winter Mystery Quilt before?  If you're looking for some pure sewing fun this winter, check out Bonnie's Blog Quiltville's Quips & Snips!  Every year Bonnie runs a Mystery Quilt project starting with the first clue the Friday after Thanksgiving, and releasing another clue each week for about six weeks until it's finished!  If you sew along each week making the clues, you end up with a wonderful quilt at the end :)

Bonnie has given the color clues out ahead of time, using paint chips as reference to what she is referring to, so you can go through your stash and start gathering up your fabrics.  It's meant to be totally scrappy ~ the more fabrics the better!  You can visit Bonnie's blog post to get full description of the colors and how this all works...and then check back on Friday for Clue #1!

 Just like year, we've gathered some fabrics in our shop that coordinate with Bonnie's paint chips.

I'm liking this year's colors, and can't wait to see what Bonnie does with them ~ and of course I'll be playing along ~ I can't miss out!  ...Even if I can't get it all finished soon, I'll print all the clues and have my project box all ready to pull out when I can ~ and of course they make great Leaders & Enders :) 

So if you need to supplement your stash (and I have spied some people in the shop with paint chips lately), come in and pick up a few cuts to go with your fabrics :)

We're closed tomorrow for Thanksgiving Day, but will be open regular hours on Friday & Saturday, and are having a Great Black Friday/Small Business Saturday Sale!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. Whew - good to see the "Summer Mystery" post has been replaced! I'll see you over the long weekend I'm sure!

  2. Haha, Yes! I'm finally getting back to my poor neglected Blog ~ I'm glad someone still notices it :) I've missed blogging, and hope to get back to more regular posts. See you soon Cathe!
