Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Are You Row by Row Hopping this Year?

Row by Row Experience starts today and runs through September 6th ~ You have all summer to collect Free Patterns, and make a Row Quilt...And if you enjoy a challenge, there's a contest too!  You can go to the Row by Row Experience website for all the details and to get a list of all the participating shops all over the country and Canada too :)
There are many State and regional Facebook pages too.  You can visit the Maryland/Delaware/New Jersey page for lots of Row Photos :)

The theme this year is Home Sweet Home, so since I'm born and raised in Maryland (I can walk to the house I grew up in both from my home and my shop ~ the nut here literally did not fall far from the tree), of course I had to do a Maryland themed row.  The row shown above is called "Across the Old Line" from the mountains of Western Maryland, to the farms, to Baltimore, to Annapolis, to across the Bay...
We have the free pattern available in the shop, kits with the pattern and all the fabrics to make it, and packs of pre-fused Die cut shapes for the houses.  But you have to come to the shop to get them ~ Row by Row Rules!

Our little bee made a return appearance too for the third year :)

Then I made up a second Row to choose from this year using our License Plate from last year that said "Needle Workin" and this year's plate, "Pieceful Home".  Added a little, and have a nice banner for your sewing room (and eventually mine) called "Needleworkin in my Pieceful Home"Or it can be a nice vertical row to add into your quilt :)

Again we have kits, or the Free pattern available, and loose License Plates.  Only one Free pattern per person/per shop though so you have to choose which one you want for your Freebie ~ but can buy a kit that includes the pattern if you want both of our Rows...or buy a kit for each!

Here is a photo of our Row by Row display in the shop.  It'll change as the Summer progresses and we have more fun with it :)

In the meantime, enjoy your Row hopping and enjoy my Maryland Home Sweet Home :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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