Tuesday, March 10, 2009

An Applique Day

Yesterday was my monthly Baltimore Applique Class with Mimi Dietrich. I am loving this class! The two hours just fly by while we share our experiences of how we all did on that month's block and learn techniques on how to do the next block. I went into this class in the beginning already knowing how to applique, but I'm learning so much from Mimi that is specific to Baltimore Applique. Classes are definitely worth the money and time!

This is a picture of an extra block that I finished yesterday after the class. The last month's block was a pretty quick one, so I had started this one as well. There are four little stars that I may put in the corners ~ or I may just decide to leave them off. Next I'm on to that Reverse Applique Heart that I cut the template out for yesterday. I'm hoping to do a few extra blocks each month in order to have enough to set them 5 by 5 in the end. I don't know if I will be able to do that by the end of this year or not, but who knows. I'm now in the process of planning the layout of my quilt and deciding on how I want to border it. When I get things ironed out, I'll post a picture of my proposed design. This is definitely a process quilt and planning is half the fun!

Last night after finishing the above block I worked a little more on my Tisket a Tasket block (getting that one done in dribs and drabs!). Hopefully I'll have a peak of that one soon, so I can move on to that cute March Bunny block!

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. This block is amazing. Your points are perfect! I can't wait to see how the reverse applique heart in your previous post turns out.

    You must be very brave to do that one...lol

  2. Thanks for your nice comment! I used the back basting method on this block and that did help to make sure the points ended up in the right place!
    ~ Dawn
