Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Little Show and Tell

This quilt top is one I made a few months back and is currently hanging in our shop. The pattern is from a book by Nancy Halvorson called Be Attitudes. I need to take it down in the next few days so I can quilt it up. It's going to be my donation to our church's Youth Group's Silent Auction coming up in the beginning of May. The kids are raising money for their trip to the ELCA Youth Gathering being held this summer in New Orleans.

I have our day time Jo Morton Club today, and alas I didn't get my "Holiday Inn" project finished. I've been having some "yucky" Tamoxifen days lately. (For those who don't know, I take Tamoxifen after a little Breast Cancer scare in October ~ but I am ok!) For the most part I've tolarated the medicine pretty well, but have been dealing with some pesky minor side effects. I keep plugging along, but everything is taking way longer to do than it should. Not to make excuses, but yesterday was one of those days. I got all of my flying geese parts cut out, and have pieced some of them. I like to have a finished project to show at the club, but I'll take them anyway and show my little "work in progress". Instant demo pieces...right ~ It's all in the "Be Attitude" :)

Enjoy your Day!
~ Dawn

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