Thursday, September 9, 2010

Did You Win Any Ribbons at the Fair?

While visiting Niagara Falls last week, we walked up to the fun, campy section of Clifton Hill, and were drawn into the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum (I know, I know, but we were killing time until dinner ok?).  I saw this and immediately thought of my friend Dawn of The Straw Needle blog and all of the ribbons that she wins at the county and state fairs.

 ...and by the way, how could we resist going into a building that was laying on it's side ~ very cool! (That's my defense anyway)

...Anyhow, this lady, I think her name was Gladys McRae, made this quilt entirely out of blue, purple, red and white award ribbons...Believe it or not :)

So keep winning those ribbons, I really don't think you can have too many of them.  Dawn, you are well on your way and now you know what you can do with them! 

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Wow Dawn, that is fantastic! I don't think I could ever win enough ribbons to make a flag that big. A mini one maybe? We'll see!
    Thanks for the mention:)
