Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Voila, A Travel Ironing Table!

I learned of this great idea from my friends Mary and Starlyn who made these little ironing tables with their sewing group to take along on retreats.  I knew as soon as I saw theirs, that I'd have to make one for me and Labor Day gave me a free day to do it! 

It all started with this wooden folding side table that Starlyn found at Walmart.  I think I paid $8.50 for mine ~ What a bargain! 

You can use any cotton fabric to make your ironing cover, but I decided to use this Ironing Board Cover/Pad that I had.  It already had some padding built into it.  I found this one at Target, but honestly I've had it a long time and I don't remember what I paid for it.  After cutting this to the size I needed to cover the table, I have enough left to replace the cover some time in the future if needed. 

Regular cotton batting scraps can be used, but I used a piece of Insul-Bright.  It has a silver coating on one side (that you place towards the heat source) to help reflect the heat.  I keep this on hand for  making pot holders and insulated bags.  I know you can get it from Joanne's Fabrics.

This shows the ironing board fabric cover face down (make sure the edges hang over a couple of inches to wrap around the table's edge), the Insul-Bright is between the table and cover with the silver coating toward the cover, and the table is face down on top of these layers.

Then using a staple gun, I fastened down and trimmed up the edges ~ Easy Peesy :)

And Voila...a happy little travel ironing table!  Now I just have to get a travel sized iron, and I'll be all ready to go somewhere :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn


  1. What a clever little ironing table! I haven't been to a quilt retreat for awhile, but ironing is always a problem.

  2. very nice - I need one of those ! bet I could find one of those tables at a yard sale...

  3. That's wonderful...what a great idea to use an ironing board cover with all the stuff built in! LOVE it!

  4. I have been wanting to make one of those too! I saw the instructions in an issue of Quilter's Home. Yours looks great and love the tutorial!

  5. Excellent!!! I have a cute table top ironing board that I picked up at a yard sale years ago for $3.00. I just love it!
    And your Niagra Falls pix are great!!

  6. Dawn Dawn Dawn Do you know you are a winner? Go to Kim's or check your email! You won a prize!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  7. Dawn, I love this idea! I would love to make one of these! Thanks for sharing this with us. Love your vacation pics too. Stephanie
