Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blog Hoppin Day 2!

Welcome to Day 2 of the Cutting Edge Ruler Blog Hop!  How about a little tip of the day:

I think the most versatile size of all the rulers in the Sullivans collection is the 6-1/2" x 24-1/2" ruler ~ especially if you'll be cutting yardage.  But if you're traveling and want the ease of the shorter 6-1/2" x 12-1/2" ruler (or maybe you're a beginner and only have the one 12-1/2" long ruler), there is still a way to cut the full width of fabric yardage very easily.

1. Lay your fabric out in front of you with the selvages together, and away from you, and the fold  towards you.  

2. Then fold the fabric again (taking the fold up 1" shy of the selvages).  Now your fabric is four layers thick.  Make sure that both of the folds, and the selvages all line up with lines on your cutting mat to ensure that everything is straight. 

3. Now you can lay your 12-1/2" long ruler across the width of fabric and cut!  Trim a small amount (to the first line on the cutting mat) off of the left side to square everything up and give you a fresh edge to cut from ~ and you're ready to go!

Now Hop on over to the featured blogs for today: Erin of One Piece at a Time, and Victoria of Bumblebeans and leave a comment to be included in their give aways!  And make sure you check out Pat Sloan's Blog as she just may have some hostess goodies there!
Here is the schedule of all the blogs ~ don't forget to stop back again tomorrow, and come back for my day on Friday!!


Rachel Griffith
Victoria Findlay Wolfe

Look for Sullivan's Cutting Edge Rulers at your local quilt shop, or you can find them in our Web Store (click View All to see all the sizes that we have in stock).

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

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