...And the winner of the Girls in the Garden Blog Hop from my blog is Marcia W! Congrats Marcia, Pat will be emailing you so you can select your free pattern :)
Thanks again to everyone who joined us on the Hop and left all the sweet comments and feedback! I've had a blast meeting so many new bloggy friends (and I'm still visiting new-to-me blogs!!), and I had such a great time each day seeing what the participants came up with, so many creative ideas :) Thanks also to Pat Sloan for her cute designs and for pulling this all together, and to Bigfork Bay Cotton Company & The Fat Quarter Shop for their generous prizes!
Come back and visit here regularly, we're always up to something fun ;)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
It's My Turn!
Welcome to my day of Pat Sloan's Girls in the Garden Blog Hop! Pat asked five designers to use the patterns from her new series published by Bigfork Bay Cotton Company and make projects in our own styles (and I'm so excited to be taking part ~ I had a blast!) Well my first dilemma was that my "style" is kind of all over the place ~ I like it all...and I've come to the conclusion that that's OK! What I've always loved about Pat Sloan patterns (even from way back in the day when I facilitated the Sloanies Club at the quilt shop where I worked), are that they work well in a variety of fabric styles, so I decided to make a couple of projects :)
So remember I teased you the other day and said that I was working on something from cutting up this old wool sweater...
Well I thought it'd make a great background for a Cardinal pillow using wool applique. I used the Ava's Winter Flurries pattern and just chose some elements from it. I laughed outloud when I saw that yesterday Heather of Olive and Ollie made a pillow with the same cardinals! But hers is done in modern fabrics and I think just proves the point that these patterns play well with all fabrics!
I did fusible applique, and a machine blanket stitch with the wool, I think that works well to keep everything stable and it's quick. One little tip that I'd like to share... when doing the machine blanket stitch around multiple elements like the parts of this snowflake, sometimes it's easier to stitch around them all in one pass instead of a lot of starting and stopping (see how I just crossed over in the center).
And then fuse the center of the snowflake on and blanket stitch around that. Btw, I used an old scrap of batting for the snowflake instead of wool because I don't anticipate washing my pillow (and I was out of white wool).
Then I just loved this Amelia's Spring Delight design, and my foyer is in need of a new Springtime quilt on the wall, so I pulled some traditional cotton fabrics and I made this quilt top. All the fabrics came out of my stash and scrap bins, no new purchases for any of these :)
The pattern directions are very clear and they all come with a full size lay out sheet with the pieces numbered, so it went together in a snap.
I finished the blanket stitching, but I didn't get to quilt this one this week, but it'll be finished and hanging up in time to welcome Spring!
Then last but not least, I wanted to work with some of my more modern fabrics, so yesterday I hand appliqued this purple coneflower from the Chelsea's Summer Garden pattern and I decided that I needed to dress up my garden notebook.
Doesn't it look sweet standing up on a shelf? This was so simple to do. After appliqueing the flower I just added a little batting to the back, figured out where the spine would fall, and wrote the word Garden by stitching it in on my sewing machine like free motion quilting. Then a little hot glue and trimming, and she's done :)
Every year I say I'm going to keep a nice garden journal so I remember where I plant stuff (and what it's called, I'm terrible about that), now I have one all ready to go :) (This should not make me as happy as it is)
So if you've been following the blog hop all week over on Pat's blog you know that she's had us all answer a few silly questions (and you can read my answers over there today). Well I decided to turn the tables on my friend and ask her to answer her same questions ~ after all that's fair, right? So here are Pat's answers:
· If you were a salad, what kind of dressing would you want poured all over you?
Yes I DID ask this one... and I do believe I'd have to go with Blue Cheese as it is decedent, creamy, and one I shouldn't have as often as I do!
· Who would play YOU in the movie version of your life. or If I'm in Thelma and Louise.. who am I and who is my sidekick?
I'm going to pick the movie as I LOVE this Chick Flick.. I'd have to be "Lousie" played by Susan Sarandon as I just ADORE her and she looks super in those sunglasses! My BBF Brenda B. would be Thelma. Although Brenda does not have Thelma's personality , she is the one I want with me as Brenda can get us INTO and OUT OF any situation and to anyplace we might need.. ummmm... want to go!
· If you were a car, what kind would you be?
I switched the 2 questions because you will see WHY I asked about Thelma and Louise... Vintage car ALL THE WAY and a powder blue 1966 Thunderbird Convertible is my ride of choice.. anyone have a spare to give me?Now the truly fun part for you! The folks at Bigfork Bay Cotton Company are giving away one pattern of your choice to one lucky reader of mine! To enter, please leave a comment at the end of this post. I'll use the random number generator to choose the winner, and the giveaway will close at midnight EST on Sunday, February 26, 2012.
Here's the rest of the Blog Hop line up for the week, visit everyone for more chances to win:
- Tues Feb 21 Michele of Quilting Gallery http://quiltinggallery.com/2012/02/21/my-day-on-pat-sloans-girls-in-the-garden-blog-hop/
- Wed Feb 22 Heather of Olive and Ollie http://www.oliveandollie.com/
- Friday, Feb. 24: Amy of Amy’s Creative Side
- Saturday, Feb. 25: Heather of {House}of A La Mode Fabric
Finally, visit Pat Sloan each day too as she shares her inspirations on designing “Girls in the Garden” and she’s giving away another full set of the patterns!
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The other day I took the time and went on one of my Creative Excursions ~ aka Thrifting :) I always find some kind of treasure, and I take pictures that have been known to inspire a new project some time in the future. Right now I'm loving the colors in this little dish, and feel a quilt coming on for my soon-to-be spare bedroom!
These are the treasures that came home with me from my latest outing (including the vintage sheet they're sitting on). I only spent about $10 ...and that includes the Mocha Frappe that I picked up to sustain me on my Excursion :) That's a quite a bargain for that amount of soul feeding inspiration!
Today I'm home, curled up in my recliner after having oral surgery this morning, so my inspiration is coming from the internet. If you want to be inspired by what five different designers come up with using the same patterns, check out Pat Sloan's new Girls in the Garden series Blog Hop!
Today visit Michelle from Quilting Gallery, gleen some inspiration and make sure you leave a comment for her give away!
Here's the rest of the line up for the week (Make sure you come back here on Thursday to see what I made!)
Finally, visit Pat Sloan each day too as she shares her inspirations on designing “Girls in the Garden” and she’s giving away another full set of the patterns!
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
These are the treasures that came home with me from my latest outing (including the vintage sheet they're sitting on). I only spent about $10 ...and that includes the Mocha Frappe that I picked up to sustain me on my Excursion :) That's a quite a bargain for that amount of soul feeding inspiration!
Today I'm home, curled up in my recliner after having oral surgery this morning, so my inspiration is coming from the internet. If you want to be inspired by what five different designers come up with using the same patterns, check out Pat Sloan's new Girls in the Garden series Blog Hop!
Today visit Michelle from Quilting Gallery, gleen some inspiration and make sure you leave a comment for her give away!
Here's the rest of the line up for the week (Make sure you come back here on Thursday to see what I made!)
- Wednesday, Feb. 22: Heather of Olive and Ollie
- Thursday, Feb. 23: Dawn of Spring Water Designs
- Friday, Feb. 24: Amy of Amy’s Creative Side
- Saturday, Feb. 25: Heather of {House}of A La Mode Fabric
Finally, visit Pat Sloan each day too as she shares her inspirations on designing “Girls in the Garden” and she’s giving away another full set of the patterns!
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Monday, February 20, 2012
Finished My February DJ Block :)
This is my A-7 block finished and posted to the Janiac's Unite Blog. It's nice to get a little hand work done in the hustle and bustle of the rest of the day :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Sunday, February 19, 2012
A Little Inspiration and a Blog Hop!
So this weekend I've been enjoying my new book, Baltimore Garden Quilt, reading it from cover to cover! It's written by my Baltimore Applique Society friend, Barbara Burnham, and has full color pictures of her beautiful reproduction Baltimore Garden quilt, and the antique quilt from 1848 that inspired it.
I love that she includes full color tutorial pictures of many techniques she used in making the quilt!
...And the book comes with a CD of full size patterns! I've already picked out the first blocks that I'm going to make from this book, I just need to figure out a color scheme and pull some fabrics :)
...And this weekend I cut up this old shrunken wool sweater that I had, and played with it and some other wool scraps. Come back later this week, and I'll show you what I'm doing with it :)
It'll be part of my blog post for the Girls in the Garden Blog Hop that I'm doing with Pat Sloan and some other blog friends! Each designer will be using some of Pat's new patterns from her Girls in the Garden series and making it their own. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with from the same patterns!
Here's the line up for the Blog Hop:
Tues Feb 21 Michele of Quilting Gallery http://quiltinggallery.com/
Wed Feb 22 Heather of Olive and Ollie http://www.oliveandollie.com/
***Thurs Feb 23 Me!! Dawn of Spring Water Designs http://springwaterdesigns.blogspot.com/
Fri Feb 24 Amy of Amy's Creative Side http://amyscreativeside.com/
Sat Feb 25 Heather of a La Mode Fabric http://alamodefabric.blogspot.com/
Check out Pat's blog each day for her take on how she designed the Girls in the Garden patterns http://blog.patsloan.com
And of course there will be prizes! Check out the Fat Quarter Shops kick off post for today and join in on the fun! http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
I love that she includes full color tutorial pictures of many techniques she used in making the quilt!
...And the book comes with a CD of full size patterns! I've already picked out the first blocks that I'm going to make from this book, I just need to figure out a color scheme and pull some fabrics :)
...And this weekend I cut up this old shrunken wool sweater that I had, and played with it and some other wool scraps. Come back later this week, and I'll show you what I'm doing with it :)
It'll be part of my blog post for the Girls in the Garden Blog Hop that I'm doing with Pat Sloan and some other blog friends! Each designer will be using some of Pat's new patterns from her Girls in the Garden series and making it their own. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with from the same patterns!
Here's the line up for the Blog Hop:
Tues Feb 21 Michele of Quilting Gallery http://quiltinggallery.com/
Wed Feb 22 Heather of Olive and Ollie http://www.oliveandollie.com/
***Thurs Feb 23 Me!! Dawn of Spring Water Designs http://springwaterdesigns.
Fri Feb 24 Amy of Amy's Creative Side http://amyscreativeside.com/
Sat Feb 25 Heather of a La Mode Fabric http://alamodefabric.blogspot.
Check out Pat's blog each day for her take on how she designed the Girls in the Garden patterns http://blog.patsloan.com
And of course there will be prizes! Check out the Fat Quarter Shops kick off post for today and join in on the fun! http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Bee Blocks Finished Early
So my Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild meeting was on Sunday, and for some reason I had it in my head that our Bee blocks were due at the February meeting...you got it, they're not due until March! Then when at the last minute Hubby and I decided to head over to Delaware for an unexpected needed visit with my mother-in-law, I dutifully contacted a friend and dropped off my blocks (along with Round Robin, BOM block, and other stuff) ~ Thanks Maria :) But of course, I confused everyone, because not only did I include in my bag Bee blocks that weren't due, my Heart block for the BOM (which was due) was rolled up inside the Bee blocks so they didn't see it. (...I'll see that you get my heart block too Heather, Congrats on the drawing win!)
So anyway, the above block is the one I made in my colors. I figured since I'm finished with them, I'll go ahead and show my Bee Blocks ~ But Warning: if you're in my Bee group and want to be surprised in March, don't read past this paragraph :)
Our Round Robin for the month had dealt with squares and rectangles, so I was still playing with that theme when I picked this block to make, I wanted to make them look woven together. I made one first in Maria's colors of blue, yellow and white, but I didn't like how I had all of the blues and yellows all parallel. So I made another one, changed out a yellow for another shade of blue and made sure the darker blues were perpendicular to each other, it's just a personal choice but I liked that one better...so Maria gets two blocks this month to do with what she will :)
So anyway, the above block is the one I made in my colors. I figured since I'm finished with them, I'll go ahead and show my Bee Blocks ~ But Warning: if you're in my Bee group and want to be surprised in March, don't read past this paragraph :)
Our Round Robin for the month had dealt with squares and rectangles, so I was still playing with that theme when I picked this block to make, I wanted to make them look woven together. I made one first in Maria's colors of blue, yellow and white, but I didn't like how I had all of the blues and yellows all parallel. So I made another one, changed out a yellow for another shade of blue and made sure the darker blues were perpendicular to each other, it's just a personal choice but I liked that one better...so Maria gets two blocks this month to do with what she will :)
So here are all of the blocks for the gals in their different color choices. Now I can't wait for the March meeting to get all my blocks, and put them together with the ones from the last round :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Love is in the Air
Happy Valentine's Day! Since Love is in the air, and several blogs are sharing their Valentine's theme quilts, I thought I'd show mine :) This is called Soft Hearts (a 62"x 62" generous throw sized quilt). I made it originally for publication in Quilt Almanac 2010 and it showcases this lovely vintage feel Valentine fabric collection that was designed by Faye Burgess for Marcus Brothers fabrics...
...And now it's finally available as a pattern Here on my website!
These are the bonus coordinating pillows that I've included in the pattern with the quilt. (Even the little fabric postcard in the heart pocket!) The quilt's really quick and easy to make up, so I've made it in several different fabrics now, but this sweet little Valentine one is my favorite, and comes out as an accent on the guest room bed every February :)
Btw, this is my Scrappy Heart Mug Rug. The pattern for it is available as a Free Download on my Free Patterns Page. Just a little Valentine from me to you :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
...And now it's finally available as a pattern Here on my website!
These are the bonus coordinating pillows that I've included in the pattern with the quilt. (Even the little fabric postcard in the heart pocket!) The quilt's really quick and easy to make up, so I've made it in several different fabrics now, but this sweet little Valentine one is my favorite, and comes out as an accent on the guest room bed every February :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
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