We arrived back home from Pittsburgh Market last night, a little tired but we had a wonderful time! First ~ Here are some of the goodies that I brought back for my blog give-away. They include a coveted Andover Schoolhouse Totebag, this one from Lonni Rossi's Black and Tan collection, A pattern by GE Designs called Moonglow, a Brandi's 5" x 1" ruler, a sample bottle of Grandma's handsoap, Hillcreek Designs Button pack. some current magazine issues, and American Patchwork and Quiltings 2009 calendar with patterns (I may even find some more goodies when I get unpacked today). By using a random number generator, the lucky winner is Ranette! I'll email you today for your address Ranette. Thank you to everyone who left comments, and by the way Butters did get plenty of walks and treats while I was gone ~ she's actually my son Bobby's dog and he does all the walking, running and playing with her. Butters and I garden together, and she loves to sleep under my reclining chair when I'm in it, but I'm sure she found another place to lay while I was gone :)

Pittsburgh was a great city to visit! We stayed at the Renaissance Hotel about 5 blocks from the Convention Center and could walk to an from most days. This is a picture approaching the Convention Center and as I was crossing the street I saw a train going across that bridge and just had to snap a picture.

This was a picture on that same morning and I thought the sun shining off the building through the fog was really neat. (It was a little more breathtaking in person).

Here's the same scene as we were walking back to the hotel that afternoon. It was nice to walk to see the city. Some days we walked along the river (our hotel was at 6th street on the river and right across the bridge from PNC Stadium). Other days we walked up Penn St which went right through the theater district.

Our first day of Market was Thursday and the Exhibit Hall was not open yet. We spent the day at Schoolhouse going to presentations all day that ranged from 15 mins. to 30 mins. This Convention Center had sky walkways that we passed through to go to Schoolhouse that viewed the Exhibit Hall floor. It really gets you excited to hit that floor first thing Friday morning!
I have some pictures of inside Market that I'll share tomorrow. Today is all about unpacking, laundry, getting some groceries in this house, then lots of computer work this afternoon. Lots to do, but it's good to be back home.
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn