Late last night I finished my next Baltimore Album block for my class on Monday. At least I finished the block as it was designed. The folded rose buds are the skill that we learned this month, and I chose this block because I wanted to do an inking in the center of our house. But I now have a slight change of plans.
After back basting this block, the very first thing I did was go to snip the green applique fabric to start cutting away the center, and instead (while talking) I took a big snip out of the white back ground fabric. I totally blame that Reverse Applique block that we did last month :)
Anyway, I wasn't about to throw it all away, I had already started my block late this month, and I had invested time in preparation and back basting. So I
persevered and did all of the applique. Now I'm searching for a motif to applique in the center to cover my little hole ~ I'll just do my inking on another block in the quilt. Sometimes projects just design themselves :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
Go with the flow. I'm sure you will find something to finish off this beautiful block.
You could still use it for your label. Ink on another piece of fabric then applique it in the center of your block. If it's the same size as the current center, no one would even know it's there.
Hi Dawn your quilting is lovely . The vintage one in the post below is just great .
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