At the Jo Morton Club meeting we had a lot of show and tell. First Val, Peggy & Phyllis shared their Warm Wishes beginnings. These will really be coming together by next month!

Then Dawn Burchett came in with a package from the post office to open with us. She had participated in the Cake Stand block exchange with Jo Morton's Yahoo Group, and opened the package with us at the meeting. We all got to ooh and ahh over the blocks and see the different locations from where they all came. It was fun to do that together and so nice of Dawn to think to share the moment with us!

And of course we showed some of the other projects that have been keeping us busy. Phyllis Miller made this really cute Christmas quilt using charm packs for the center...

This adorable soft baby quilt from Beatrix Potter fabric (put out I think by Quilting Treasures)...

And this Autumn themed wall hanging from Gobble Gobble by Sandy Gervais for Moda. She of course had them all finished, quilted and bound. (Phyllis is my hero)

Karen Gladfelter had this really cute tablerunner that she did. She quilted it with a decorative machine stitch which is a really nice touch on this project, and I liked the striped binding :)

Karen also had this huge quilt top that she's pieced from Jason Yenter's Floragraphix IV collection from In The Beginning Fabrics. It was stunning!

Finally, Dawn Burkett had another festive table runner done with this cute tree fabric that I've not seen before. Dawn has been experimenting with machine quilting, and getting a lot of projects finished. This one has some repeats of the swirly Christmas tree quilted in, which is a really nice touch!
I've also had a few others turn in some charm squares to swap, so we'll be busy sorting and swapping real soon :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn