Nancy Odom came to our guild and I spent a delightful day yesterday hearing her speak and taking a class with her.
She did a trunk show and told us all about how she got started in the business of pattern design and her journey into designing fabric lines for P&B Textiles.
Beautiful quilts were paraded by, but unfortunately my pictures aren't very good (you can see better pictures of the quilts at
Nancy's website. I turned off my flash to try and be considerate, but quality was definitely sacrificed.
This one is called "Wildberry Vines", a four part pattern series.
This is "Stars are Gathering". Originally published in Designer's Quarters magazine in 2005 it was made with Nancy's "Gather Sunshine" fabric collection.
Everyone got up close and personable with Nancy and her quilts. She was very easy to talk to and get to know.
The class I took was a very enjoyable
hand blanket stitch class done on rough edge fused applique. I was thrilled to learn Nancy's tip of copying the pattern template pieces onto freezer paper through an ink jet printer, and ironing them on to the top of the fabric (that has fusible on the back), then cutting out on the lines. Thus tracing patterns, and reversing the patterns for fusible applique is eliminated! I love taking classes, because I always walk away with some tip of how a technique can be done differently. As a bonus I got Nancy to sign my little block to ensure that I will go ahead and finish it :)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn
How do you run freezer paper through your printer? Do you iron it to fabric first? AND - what kind of pen did Nancy use to sign your block? THANKS!
What a wonderful day. The quilts are beautiful, and I've used that technique to make a couple of small wall hangings.
Dawn, lucky you! I have admired Nancy Odom's work for years. Does she explain her technique in any of her books? You did great job on your block!
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