It was a beautiful summer afternoon and a chance to spend some mom and daughter time, so Heather and I headed here yesterday. The temperature was perfect, with just a light breeze. As we arrived and started our walk to our destination, on the way we saw this rare surviving 18
th century summer house.

As we got closer, there was this lovely garden on the grounds, and you know me, if there is a gate I just have to enter it!

These guys greeted me. I think they're Hollyhocks? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I loved this birdbath, with clam shells in the bottom, it's empty right now as we are in real need of some rain. But these little purple beauties were just gorgeous, so someone is taking good care of them!

I had to take a picture of this little focal point as this is what I want to put in the center of my garden. I already have a little sundial, and have been looking for just the right thing to sit it on. The paths in this garden were also shells and put me in mind of
Williamsburg VA.

This is a view of the side of the building as we approached. The sky was just beautiful, so I had to snap a picture ~ I think I was starting to annoy Heather, but she was
tolerant because she knows me :)

...And this is looking back over the garden and grounds.

We were at
Montpelier Mansion in Laurel MD. Montpelier is a home that was built starting in 1781 by the Thomas
Snowden family, some of the founders of Laurel MD. Montpelier is a lovely house museum to visit on any day, a beautiful example of Georgian architecture with many rooms restored to the period, but we were here today because every year they adorn the rooms of this wonderful home with needlework exhibits.

I took a few pictures inside, but as I was using my phone camera, I had some trouble with it wanting to flash when I didn't want it to, or it just wouldn't take some of the pictures that I asked it to ~ the
obstinate little thing. This is an awesome counted cross stitch that looks like a coverlet. I was blown away by the
redwork look.

I loved this little quilt in the cradle that was in the main bedchamber. I'm not so sure that it was accurate to the period, but I liked it anyway.

This needlework stand was really pretty and I loved the setting.

They also had a sweet interactive room for children and this was in the corner. There were many more lovely museum style needlework displays throughout the house, both new and antique, and we got to tour upstairs and down. A theme this year for this 14
th annual
Needleart Exhibit was Samplers, so I was in heaven. Between this exhibit, and seeing the beautiful works hanging in a friend's home recently (yes Tiffany, I was totally inspired), I'm sparked to pull out a sampler that I started a while back and put away. It would slow down my applique progress, but sometimes I need a little diversion to keep moving forward (does that make any sense?). Heather even bought some patterns from a
vendor that was there.
If you are in the area and need a little diversion, or just some
spectacular eye candy, check out the Montpelier
Needleart Exhibit that's running 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily until Sunday, July 26
th . Admission is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, and $3 for children. A bargain for such good therapy! (And bonus ~ the little gift shop in an out building on the grounds is a
Tea Shop, what more can you ask for?)
Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn