Well, I got to sew some more blocks on Saturday before going to work, and I was hoping to have my whole OP quilt top done by this evening since I was off work today. But alas, life didn't go as planned. Here's my excuse/um, I mean story :)
Heather and I had decided that we would run out today after church to spend Books-a-Million gift cards that we both had gotten at Christmas time. I mentioned to her about a local guild show that was going on this weekend and we decided that we'd check it out before going to the book store, after all it would just be a little out of the way. So off we set on our adventure ~ Did we mapquest the location? ~ Do we have a gps gadget?...ah no. I had gone to this quilt show a few years back, and I did have a little card with their location address on it, you'd think I could get us there from that right ~ but, I seem to forget that we live in an area in central MD, halfway between Baltimore and Washington DC that is growing faster than anyone can keep up, so the area was totally unrecognizable to me! After driving around way longer than we should have we (Heather) finally found the building where it had been held, but there was no quilt show. Huh? We double checked the address, and yes we were in the right place, but still no quilt show! Well I was just about ready to call my co-worker Mary who is a member of that guild and see if the location had been changed or what, and Heather looked at the card and noticed that the date of the show is March 22nd not February 22nd ~ oops. (I know Mary, you can laugh now.)
So as not to be discouraged I decided to swing by a quilt shop that is in that area, after all I was in a mood to shop! Well it seems that quilt shop is closed on Sundays :(
So instead of sewing my OP top I spent all afternoon finding a quilt show that wasn't there, and going to a quilt shop that wasn't open! But I did get to the bookstore and bought the April Quilt Magazine along with some others, so it wasn't a total loss.
The picture at the top is how I plan to set my OP quilt, 5 rows of 4 blocks with no setting in between. I have the first row sewn together. Here is a picture of how I plan to border my quilt. I'm going to use 2 inch scraps for the pieced inner border.

...Since this weekend was all about playing with colors, and to prove to some of you that yes I can do bright colors, here is a block that I did in some hot colors. I think this will end up in a quilt of all different bright colored blocks.

I've already decided that I'm going to use this block again to do a graduation quilt for a friend in the school colors. It's a fun block to make and very versatile. If you need the block pattern, or if you have missed the OP weekend and you'd like so see some other wonderful orange creations check out Pat Sloan's blog (the OP button is on my sidebar).
Enjoy the rest of your day!
~ Dawn